Word of your passionate Italian wedding planner!
Word of your passionate Italian wedding planner! Trust me a fabulous marriage celebrant in Italy can have a great impact, besides the ceremony setting, the view, and the stunning flower decoration. I have been discouraged to ask one of my family members and friends to officiate my wedding and I completely agree since my first desire is to have every guest involved the same way.
Of course, I know friends and family will feel like they are on a mission on our day, but they forget it is my wedding and I like them more when they are not so worried about me and my choices. Also, it is a wedding and for what it means to me, it must be officiated by someone who is not competing to play a major role.
Sometimes the risk is to hire a friend who could be involved in no other way, or a sister who is too shy to refuse or the groom’s uncle who is no romantic at all!
The kind of wedding celebrant I have had in mind was a professional, someone able to enhance the moment, let us shed a tear, and make us laugh when needed to release the tension. Only a professional marriage celebrant in Italy can make it official and make me believe this is really happening.
I have also been asked how I cannot expect my bestie to share funny things and tricks about us with all other guests to make it more personal or less boring. This is not for their entertainment! We have endless speeches for that if we really need to…
I would rather have someone who has become familiar with us and aiming at the same thing: get us officially married in Italy, in front of all our guests as silent and conscious witnesses of a unique event for us. I wish that their “I was there” will rather remind them of everybody’s role in making this and any other day go on with love and passion.
“To all the Brides out there!”
A professional wedding celebrant is the key-point of your wedding ceremony in Italy. When you and your guests are excited about it, you are halfway.
It goes without saying that I have gone for a professional wedding celebrant on my wedding day in Italy and could not have it better. Besides my husband’s promises, her words will always stay with me and get the spark back whenever is needed.
A happy bride
Word of your passionate Italian wedding planner!
From the ceremony script for Tailandia & Andrea:
“Anche in una cerimonia simbolica, per lo scambio degli anelli abbiamo bisogno di un testimone importante, qualcuno di fidato, emozionato, e motivato. Angelo porgi gli anelli ai tuoi genitori che insieme a me ti ringraziamo per essere qui e partecipare con tanta emozione e impegno a questo giorno speciale.
Ognuno di voi avrà il suo personale ricordo di questa cerimonia simbolica, così intima e intensamente vissuta, che in futuro potrete continuare a condividere, arricchendola di particolari e rinnovate emozioni.”

Partners Fiocco Rosso Eventi & Comunicazione, Wild Fox Photography