Intimate beach wedding in Italy
It was not really my first time with a dog as the ring bearer but Maximilian, The Great has beaten all the competitors! A intimate beach wedding in Italy, at the beginning of October, in such a difficult time of the year, is already a great success! You know I do not speak only in terms of good weather!
When I called upon him to bring the rings, he was not really listening to me, or at least he was pretending so. Such a good actor, Max, and in the end one of the best friends ever! He just used the moment to create a little tension since he also needed to enjoy the sea breeze and the murmuring water. And the next minute, he was next to me, sitting proudly, where he stayed to complete his task.
That’s was more than fortune. It was connection and sentiment! However, it is very important that an intimate beach wedding in Italy is planned in every detail. Especially, do not forget Plan B! Also, take care to find the right wedding officiant.
“In this scenario, it is very important that she is smart, flexible, and sensitive.”
Even if you do not have a dog as a ring bearer, the environment may get back to you with an alternative and she’s got to be there to catch it!
As Italian wedding planner and wedding celebrant, I have plenty of wedding venue options for an intimate beach wedding in Italy I am eager to share with you.
Get rid of Clichés and get in touch!
From the ceremony for Alexandra & Milan:
“Sie haben daher diesen wunderschönen Strand in Lignano gewählt, um Euch einen unvergesslichen Tag erleben zu lassen – ehrlich gesagt, war es auch die beste Alternative zu Fuerteventura!
Und dafür kann ich Max danken, da Alexandra und Milan jedoch ihren Hund nicht mit nach Spanien nehmen könnten, und gerade in Lignano die letzten Jahre schöne Urlaube mit ihm verbracht haben.”

Credit Celebrant Framille Weddings